1. Point-to-point
Scenario: network with single RRU or multiple RRUs.
Applicable to the situation where RT devices are gathered at one point but far away from COT.
1-COT 2-ODB 3-Hybrid optical and electrical stranded loose tube cable 4-Joint box for the hybrid cable.
5-ODB((lightning-proof) 6-RT 7-Hybrid optical and electrical tight buffered patch cord 8-RF patch cords.
2. Point-to-multipoint
Scenario: Indoor 4G coverage.
Applicable to the situation where RT devices are scattered far away.
Joint box for the hybrid cable.
1-COT 2-ODB 3-Hybrid optical and electrical stranded loose tube cable 4-Joint box for Hybrid cable.
5-ODB( (lightning-proof) 6-RT 7-Hybrid optical and electrical tight buffered patch cord 8-RF patch cord.
3. Cascade
Scenario: network covering highways, railways, and tunnels.
Applicable to the situation where multiple base stations are distributed far from each other in one direction.
1-OCT 2-ODB 3-Hybrid optical and electrical stranded loose tube cable 4-Joint box for the hybrid cable.
5-ODB (lightning-proof) 6-RT 7-Hybrid optical and electrical tight buffered 8-RF patch cord.
1 | Hybrid Optical and Electrical Cable | GDTC8S | Self-supporting Aerial PSP |
GDTA53 | Buired Installation | ||
GDTA,GDTS | Duct or Aerial Installation | ||
2 | Hybrid Optical Cable | GDFJAH | Hybrid Optical Fiber Electrical APL LSZH |
GDFJAHP | Hybrid Optical Fiber Electrical APL LSZH | ||
GJYFJH | Sub-unit Aramid yarn LSZH Sheath | ||
GJYWFJH | TBF Aramid LSZH Sheath | ||
GJYXFH | Multi-core Aramid Yarns Double Sheath | ||
GDFJH | Hybrid Optical and Electrical steel hose |